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Limiting Revenue Leakage In Your Medical Billing?

Limiting Revenue Leakage In Your Medical Billing?

I don't need to tell you how complex the medical billing revenue cycle is. Managing and collecting payments for doctors, hospitals, and even healthcare systems can be a tricky affair, with plenty of moving parts. Each of the following represents an interchange where...

Modern Methods To Upgrade Patient’s Appointments

Modern Methods To Upgrade Patient’s Appointments

As important to the success of your practice as patient satisfaction is today, it is important to utilize the tools and technologies of the day to ensure satisfaction. Happy customers keep your schedule full and revenue flowing. Let's look at some ways in which modern...

Medical Billing Providers, Appeals & Bill Negotiation

Medical Billing Providers, Appeals & Bill Negotiation

Nobody likes to be in a fight alone. We can amplify this a hundredfold when it's in reference to medical bills and the decisions of large corporations trying to maintain a bottom line. When an insurance provider rejects a claim, and you find yourself in negotiations,...

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